Do your job?

I thought I was...

Ever go through work you know your boss is there, and even though mine is, well for lack of a better term, a bigger boned man, they always manage to pop up around the corner? I have no idea how the hell he does it, I mean the man waddles instead of walks, he normally wears bright freaking colors and we all still manage to lose the guy. The point is he will randomly come up behind you and tell you to go 'find something to do' or worse he'll make you clean his office (I dont know what he does in there... besides sleep -.-). So, let's just say I have made it an art at appearing busy and knowing where that man is at all times possible, I honestly dont have a problem doing my job, but when I just get done cleaning the entire freaking place and stop to get a drink of water and you just so happen to walk out of your office from your 9 hour nap, that's when we're gonna have issues. Clearly, it is time to come to terms with the fact that what I want to happen and what is actually going to happen aren't the same. From an early age, all of us kids are programmed thinking we want to grow up as soon as possible, that thats the life, that anything can happen when you're older. Sadly, we we're taught wrong and the adults lied. The work place is no different. For instance my boss, he likes to bring in people that will get him a larger bonus and try and cash in on any and all opportunities. He like to call it "politics', but the last time I checked he's not wearing a suit and isn't the government crashing? Maybe, just maybe we should grow up. Maybe, one day the boss will actually notice how much you do at work. But what if? What if he doesnt notice until it's to late? What if he never notices and you're stuck in some crap hole being treated like a removable pawn? Hope for our fantasy live to become our reality is all in our hands, no matter the ass who haunts our side job on the way to success.


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Guest post by "Bloop"
Sounds like your boss went to a ninja school for ducks or some sort of web-footed, bright feathered fowl. Maybe if he wasn't sleeping or started to waddle faster he'd actually notice all the hard work you do. If you've noticed the things you have I'd say you've grown up. Now it just turns into a matter of moving on to a job you'll actually enjoy so then it will seem like you never have to work another day in your life.

Submitted October 15, 2013 at 12:35AM


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Guest post by "Peaches"
Ok, so you work for this guy?

fat boss

Submitted October 22, 2013 at 4:12PM


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Guest post by "J....."
HAHAHA heeheeheehoo!

Last edited by JD
Edited 1 time(s).

Submitted October 23, 2013 at 11:05AM

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