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Porter. In what I consider hell.

There are defineing moments in everyones life, moments where you kick ass... or you suck it. I am definitely sucking some serious ass.

We all have those jobs and bosses that have you wanting to rip our hair out, I mean unless you are one of the lucky few who have a job that you actually have a passion for and if that were my case, well then there would be no story. The fact is we all have or have had a job that we hated or had someone, like your boss, that just made you miserable. Let's face it in todays economy we are all struggling to get by with so little money from these jobs that give us so much stress. trying to pay off student loans and fight to stay in college while paying bills and do fun stuff here and there, has me questioining is there any way for us to be young again? I'm getting off track but here, here is my place to destress and have you all read the crazy antics of my day top day as a porter in a bowling center. Dealing with grouchy old people, horny old men, coworkers relationships with each other, Supervisors who like to take us all back to our formative years in high school, the gossipers, the inappropriate man handling, and the bosses who you every so often visualize killing in your head with a, I don't know, Zombie Apocalypse?